CAPC’s Fall Lyme Disease Forecast Encouraged Compliance & Year-Round Protection
In October, the CAPC issued its 2012 Fall Forecast, offering veterinarians another tool to educate pet owners about the importance of year-round parasite control. After a successful launch of the official CAPC Forecast in Spring 2012, the CAPC increased outreach for the fall campaign among the profession as well as the pet owning public, in an attempt to drive awareness and compliance in a difficult time of year.
The Fall Forecast was delivered by Drs. Susan Little, parasitologist, Oklahoma State University, and Chris Carpenter, executive director, CAPC, and focused on Lyme disease. Through satellite media tours, print and broadcast outreach and social media channels, the Forecast urged pet owners across the country to ask their veterinarians about year-round flea and tick prevention, as well as Lyme disease vaccinations in high risk areas. The live satellite Forecast interviews were aired in hundreds of markets, reaching more than 10 million viewers. The Forecast also was picked up by NBC syndicated news and featured on The Weather Channel.