Top 10 Cities Reports for Veterinarians

In an effort to monitor and report emerging threats to companion animal health, the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) provides monthly updates on the metro areas experiencing significant increases in reports of selected parasitic diseases.
This CAPC Top Ten Cities list summarizes the metro areas across the United States that experienced the greatest positive percentage increase in parasitic disease tests during the month. Considering this, cities in each monthly ranking are often broadly disseminated across the United States. CAPC intends for monthly ranking reports to prompt conversations between veterinarians and pet owners about the importance of protection against hookworms with broad-spectrum year-round, preventatives and routine testing.
Currently CAPC is providing Top Ten Cities Lists for the following disease:
Roundworms are common intestinal parasites in cats and dogs, even among well cared for pets. Dogs and cats can become infected through ingestion of larvated eggs or an from eating infected hosts such as rodents and birds. They can also be transmitted directly from the mother to puppies and kittens through the placenta or nursing.
Symptoms of roundworm infection include weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, dull haircoat, and a pot-bellied appearance and in cases of severe infection can result in death. Roundworms also pose a significant risk to humans — and are most common in children. People can be infected from handling and accidently ingesting dirt containing roundworm larva than can migrate to the liver, lungs, muscle and brain. This is why CAPC recommends year-round broad-spectrum protection for pets against roundworms and routine testing, regardless of where pets reside.
“An increase in roundworm prevalence not only alerts communities to a persistent threat to the health of dogs and cats, but it also warns of a significant threat to the health of children and families who can potentially contract roundworm infection,” said Dr. Craig Prior, BVSC, CVJ, CAPC board member.
The CAPC board is constantly working on ways to partner with veterinarians to ensure the health of pets in North America. The Top Ten Cities tool is an innovative way for veterinarians to remind their clients that pets are constantly at risk for parasitic disease.
Click here to download an informational overview on roundworm