National Board Practice Questions - Quiz 3

  1. An 8-year-old mixed breed mare presents with head shaking and aural irritation due to the presence of several heavily-spined nymphal soft ticks in both ears. What parasite is this?

  2. The short prepatent period of this nematode insures that eggs of this parasite are likely to be the first detected in a fecal float on a young foal:

  3. A mixed breed dog that is housed outdoors on soil in a run presents with lesions on its ventral and dorsal surfaces of all four feet, sternum, and ventral abdomen. The areas are erythematous, thickened, and alopecic. The owner informs you that ever since the dog was adopted two years ago from a neighbor, the dog has only had yearly routine vaccinations (rabies, DA2PP). The organism responsible for these lesions is most likely:

  4. A client has just returned from a winter vacation to Greece where she adopted a stray dog. She is concerned about the multiple patches of alopecia on the dog’s face and pinnae; you also note that the nasal planum is depigmented. With leishmaniasis as your top differential diagnosis, which statement is the least accurate?

  5. These organisms were found in the aural exudate from a 12-week-old kitten with a 3-day history of external otitis and aural pruritus. Of the choices listed, what is the most appropriate therapy?

  6. A 5-year-old intact male cat present with choleostasis and liver failure. Fecal sedimentation reveals an operculated egg with a fully-formed miracidium. The most likely diagnosis is:

  7. This parasite is unusual among the trichostrongyles in that it not only infects ruminants, but also infects many other host species including horses and pigs. It is one of the few parasites of potential concern in a mixed-species grazing situation.

  8. Foals become infected with Parascaris equorum:

  9. The main significance of Acanthocheilonema (=Dipetalonema) reconditum in veterinary medicine is:

  10. Routine fecal flotation from a 4-year-old cat with no history of clinical disease revealed this parasite egg. Adults of this parasite are most likely to be found in the:

  11. Although now rarely seen in managed horses, the migrating larvae of this large strongyle can cause severe inflammation in the wall of the cranial mesenteric artery, and this nematode was, at one time, the most commonly diagnosed cause of equine colic:

  12. You perform rectal palpation on a 2-year-old standardbred horse with a history of acute diarrhea and colic. When you withdraw your arm you notice several bright red larval worms wriggling around on the palpation sleeve. What equine nematodes are most likely responsible?

  13. A 5-month-old spaniel puppy vomits a mass of thick stout white nematodes. On close inspection, you note the presence of three lips at the anterior end of each of the worms. What parasite is this most likely to be?

  14. Which of the following nematodes is free-living by nature, but occasionally causes opportunistic infections associated with dermatitis in animals?

  15. A dog that chases and eats wild rabbits is most likely to become infected with which cestode?

  16. A pigeon presents with a 1-week history of anorexia and weight loss. Accumulations of a white, caseous exudate are present in the oral cavity. A wet mount of this material reveals several pear-shaped flagellated protozoa with an undulating membrane. The most likely diagnosis is:

  17. In recent years, several outbreaks of trichinosis in humans have been associated with ingestion of undercooked meat from horses containing infective larvae of Trichinella spiralis. The Trichinella infection in the horses likely resulted from unusual management practices prior to market; horses are not considered a likely natural host for Trichinella spp. because they are:

  18. This parasite was found on fecal flotation from a newly-acquired kitten with diarrhea. After you present your treatment plan, the clients ask if their dogs are also at risk of developing disease due to infection with this parasite. You respond:

  19. Differentiation between a tick larva and a tick nymph is best achieved how?

  20. Which of the following drugs would be the best choice for the treatment of a Fasciola hepatica infection in a pregnant beef cow?