Emeritus Members
The Companion Animal Parasite Council would not exist without the past and continued contributions made by the Emeritus Board Members. We greatly appreciate the time, talent and effort given to CAPC by these members.
- Dr. Clarke Atkins
North Carolina State University
- Dr. Lora Ballweber
Ft. Collins, Colorado
- Byron Blagburn
Department of Pathobiology
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
- Dwight Bowman
Professor of Parasitology
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
- Dr. Mike Dryden
Kansas State University
- Dr. Jeanne Eisenhour
Perrysburg, Ohio
- Dr. Karen Fling
Dallas, Texas
- Dr. Kathy Gloyd
Wilmington, Delaware
- Dr. Gary Holfinger
Perrysburg, Ohio
- Dr. Kevin Kazacos
Purdue University
- Dr. Charlotte Lacroix
Whitehouse Station, New Jersey
- Julie Legred, CVT
- Dr. Susan Little
Stillwater, Oklahoma
- Dr. Robert Lund
Clemson University
- Dr. Cathy Lund
Providence, Rhode Island
- Dr. Eugenia Marcus
Newton, Massachusetts
- Dr. Leonard Marcus
Newton, Massachusetts
- Dr. Tom Nelson
Anniston, Alabama
- Dr. Sharon Patton
Knoxville, Tennessee
- Dr. Michael Paul
Anguilla, British West Indies
- Dr. Peter Schantz
Atlanta, Georgia
- Dr. David Stansfield
Greensboro, North Carolina
- Scott Stevenson
- Jay Stewart
Aumsville Animal Clinic
Aumsville, Oregon
- Dr. Roger William Stich
University of Missouri
- Dr. Michael Thomas
Indianapolis, Indiana
- Dr. Mary Ann Vande Linde