What is CAPC?
Founded in 2002, the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) is an independent non-profit organization that is dedicated to increasing awareness of the threat parasites present to pets and family members. By generating and disseminating credible, accurate and timely information for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of parasitic infections, CAPC works to educate pet owners and veterinary professionals.
The activities of the Companion Animal Parasite Council are directed by a board of directors that consists of both practicing companion animal veterinary professionals and research/academic parasitologists. These individuals are leaders in their fields and provide extensive practical and technical knowledge in their respective areas of expertise.
What are the CAPC Parasite Forecasts?
In 2012, CAPC started a partnership with statisticians at Clemson University in order to develop and provide parasite forecasts as a public service to communities across the country. The forecasts are designed to alert veterinary professionals and pet owners to changing trends in parasite infections for the nation and their local communities before they occur. Through its work over the years, CAPC has become the leader in forecasting parasitic infections of pets. With numerous peer-reviewed publications on their forecasting methodology here, CAPC forecasts have consistently demonstrated fidelity above 90% for every disease they monitor.
What are the CAPC Parasite Prevalence Maps?
The CAPC parasite prevalence maps provide local and timely information on parasites for the United States and Canada. Through an agreement with IDEXX Laboratories, ANTECH diagnostics, and Zoetis Diagnostics, the CAPC maps provide the millions of test results to veterinary professionals and pet owners at the national, state, and county level. This allows our users to understand the local threat to pets in their areas. Additionally, users can sign up for updates and receive monthly alerts on the parasite testing results in their community. Click here to sign up for monthly alerts.
What are the CAPC Guidelines?
The CAPC Guidelines represent the consensus opinion from experts in veterinary parasitology. The veterinary parasitologists, veterinary practitioners, and other medical experts on our board work continuously to update and maintain this comprehensive guide to companion animal parasites, testing guidelines, fecal examination techniques, prevention protocols, and treatment options. These guidelines serve as a reference to hundreds of thousands of visitors a year via www.capcvet.org. Market research shows that the guidelines are referenced daily by academics, veterinarians, veterinary paraprofessionals, veterinary students and pet owners.
Is CAPC a Nonprofit Organization?
CAPC is recognized by the IRS as a corporation organized and operated primarily for charitable and educational purposes under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Companion Animal Parasite Council, a tax-exempt organization under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are deductible for computing income and estate taxes.
I don’t think my veterinary hospital parasite testing data is included in the maps. How do I make sure my hospital test results are part of the CAPC parasite prevalence maps?
Currently, the data represented in the CAPC Parasite Prevalence Maps are provided by IDEXX Laboratories, ANTECH Diagnostics, and Zoetis Diagnostics. If you are using their services, connect with your company representatives to find out how you can insure that your hospital testing data will be represented on our maps. We are constantly exploring ways to expand the data contained in our maps